Monday, March 14, 2011


Well as you may know Japan has been hit by a large Tsunami - the worst it has ever seen, resulting from an earthquake to the east of the coast of Japan. Over 1000 confirmed death with tolls expected to reach over 10000. Given the population density of Japan the fact that this was not a higher number is a great testament to the civil engineers of Japan.

Japan loves its technology and one of the most high-tech ways to generate electricity is through the use of nuclear power. There was no damage to any nuclear power plants - again a testament to the civil engineers of Japan, but radiation levels around the area have increased. The population nearest the power plants were evacuated from the area while the rest of the population were told to stay indoors, but without basic utilities available that may be difficult to do. Theres also some worry that the radiation will spread to west of the United States.

Speaking of the United States some Americans on Facebook have adopted the idea of Karma and said that the Tsunami was karma’s payback for Pearl Harbor bombings by the Japanese 70 years ago (which then drove USA to be in WWII). Pearl Harbor was 70 years ago. This is an issue that would have not affected them, nor their parents, but their parent’s parents. Any yet they post on their Facebook that this was payback for that??? Forgive and forget much? What about black slavery?

BTW America did get its revenge by bombing Japan in a civilian area not once but twice causing magnitudes more death than in Pearl Harbor.

What is up with Americans and their patriotism? What do they teach you in history?

Of course this maybe just a few cases blown up in the spotlight (the media loves to do that, esp social media) and not a big deal at all.

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  1. Good post, lots of good info there.
    I don't know what the deal is with people making stupid comments about this tragedy, but it really shows their ignorance.

  2. I don't know of anyone saying it is payback on Facebook. Most people seem to be more supportive then they have been for recent earthquakes in Haiti, Chili, and New Zealand. The fact is that a lot of our culture and technology has intertwined with the Japanese. The one person I have seen saying they deserve it is pretty much crazy, saying the ocean was fighting back to preserve its dolphins, whales, and other creatures.

  3. always good to read your blog.

  4. I've see those Facebook comments, those people are just massive idiots. I'd love a tornado to hit their homes in an act of 'karma'.

  5. Don't group all us Americans into that fruit loop Karma stuff. I and many others (most of us) Do not feel that way and have been very vocal to the ones that are being that way, every Country has ignorant people that doesn't mean the entire population of that Country is ignorant though.
    As an American I get sick of being grouped with these morons.

  6. Americans will never forgive nor forget unfortunately, they are hard headed....

  7. Japan will bounce back after this.
    I've been seeing / reading some stories of the Japanese people helping each other after such tragedy.
    What an inspiration for the whole world.

  8. I´m praying for all our brothers and sisters in Japan!

  9. seeing the facebooks comments posted by some people got me raging. at least japan bombed a military base, not a fkin city. not making sense at all these people. I don't believe in any superstitions, its a natural disaster.

  10. My girlfriend's mom said it was payback for their treatment of the Chinese during WWII. She's Chinese...

  11. I hope people are joking about this being karma for WWII. That's about as dumb as native americans saying Hurricane Katrina was revenge for stealing their country. Most of the people who are saying things like that were born generations after it happened.

    I believe that it was way before my time so my opinion on either situation is moot, all I have to say is both pearl harbor and the bombings were tragedies and shouldn't be weighed against one another.

  12. Big picture always has the best photo essays.

  13. Saw the videos crazy shit didn't think it would be so much water

  14. I've been following the videos on Youtube, This is pretty huge.

  15. I'd say it just a few cases that have been blown out of proportion. i hope lol..

  16. sigh those people on facebook what is wrong with them - -

  17. i was shocked by the reactions of some Americans, when where like: "yeah it's karma" and shit. Seriously? What about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? I'll leave it here. Nice post btw man

  18. yeah the whole pearl harbour thing is a little off...surely the two nuclear bombs were payback enough!

  19. I was reading some of those retarded ass comments by idiotic morons about how this is pay back for pearl harbor. I mean how fking dumb are some people. Yea still thinking about an event that happened almost 70 years ago.

  20. Some Americans have a tendency to turn to magic when they need an explanation of why things happen.

    Yeah we in Samoa were on watch. We only got 3 foot waves. So we were good.

  21. I agree, I think those posts are ridiculous and ignorant, but I don't see them since I'm in Canada.

    My heart goes out to Japan and the families of all affected, but being the strong, rich and advanced nation they are, I'm sure they're gonna come out of this stronger.

  22. The karma payback thing is complete bs, I don't even know how people think nowadays. Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki =/= "revenge"?

  23. its a typical case of ignorantism, people will sy anything to justify their actions ( or lack off) so they feel good when they dont help, but when the shit hits their fan the run and scream because their precious 2 biuldings collapsed ( in contrast of the hundreds of biuldings houses and other shit that was destroyed in japan).

    thats my 2 cents rage.

  24. Oh I have a picture of a tonne of statuses from various Americans saying something along the lines of 'this is payback for Pearl Harbour'. I think it's disgusting really.

  25. People are morons because they don't remember history, or just simple minded.

    Japan is the thriving epicenter of technology, and as such should be held in high regard as a great ally and asset of America.

  26. I would say that is just an example of how close minded a lot of americans are.

    Unrelated Randomness

  27. it's pretty redicilous to refer to pearl harbor about a thing like this imo..

  28. Thank you for posting about the Tsunami & Earthquake in Japan. I've not come across it in the blog world yet and it should be talked about more. If those Americans on FB that you refer to are actually saying that kinda thing then they are clearly of the hick genre who were brought up by their television and lack the ability to read.

  29. The whole thing about the tsunami being karma is really sad. Much respect for posting this!

  30. I don't believe on this karma thing, just bullshit

  31. anyone who speaks of karma and what not during this tragedy has something coming their way, no doubt.

  32. It's really tragic, the scope of the damage hitting Japan right now. I hope there isn't a severe nuclear disaster apart from the lack of power.

  33. Any trolling on this is just heartless. I can laugh at a lot of stuff, but this is just sad..

  34. can't imagine if that happened to me. I'd be scared shitless

  35. keep the prayers for Japan, people.

  36. This is definitely not karma, in any way. These events are completely different. One was a nautral disaster and the other was war.
