Monday, April 11, 2011

Infinite capacity drive?

Sorry for not posting in a while but been busy with the last few weeks of uni. Well at least its break now. How you all doing?

I was reading about something interesting today. A cheap chinese knock off a portable hard drive with an interesting feature. It appears to have an infinitely large capacity.

So with a normal hard drive you plug it in (typically via USB), copy some data into it and then unplug it. A later time you plug it back in and you can see the data you've copied into it. This drive is different however - you can store data in it. But the drive only remembers the last 128mbs!

Think of this as a pocket with a hole in it. You keep trying to put coins in it, but it always falls out!

Trolling is a art


  1. wow, what a scam, that's gotta suck.

  2. haha remains me of a pic I saw some time ago, some dude ordered a Nintendo DS and what he got was the DS box with an Old School Game Boy in it.

  3. A classy way of doing business right there.

  4. My dream is that some day they'll know enough about the human brain to adapt that knowledge into making a storage device that never runs out of space. Like our memory.

  5. I feel sorry for those who bought this... =^p

  6. I like the 2 big nuts (no pun intended) put there to compensate for the weight.

  7. mmm interesting post , i want one ^^

  8. Oh :( You made me think the greatest invention of all time finally happened

  9. lol brilliant. That beats the laptop a guy in work bought of ebay that had a chalk board for a screen.

  10. I saw this on Consumerist and I lol'd heartily.

  11. this is only useful for pranks... I guess!

  12. Hah, well that's amusing. I was wondering how that was gonna be pulled off when I read the first line

  13. i would like to purchase one of these troll drives
