Tuesday, February 8, 2011

PS, btw

Post Scarcity is something that fascinates me.

The world's manufacturing is being done in places like China. Call centres and IT services are being outsourced to India.

Right now the jobs we do are in the service industry. We operate checkouts in supermarkets or we made works of art or write software for example. For these jobs, we get money.

Technology is going to make these jobs irrelavent, redundant, or unprofitable. Checkouts? replace them with machines. Works of art or software? pirate it. And people don't make money when these happen.

What is money used for anyway? Above all, it is for the basics for survival.

When post scarcity hits, we wont' have money and as a result, all the basics of survival will be provided for free and you are free to spend your time doing something that you really love now that you don't have work to survive.



  1. its already hit, tho i don't really believe that basic necessities will be provided for free, this has been happening in third world countries, and thus keeping them third world countries

  2. We already have electronic checkouts in most supermarkets in the UK...1 person oversees about 10 checkouts.
    I assume there will be some pilfering going on but this is easily offset by the huge saving on not having 10 operators to pay.

  3. they've gotten rid of electronic checkouts in some places here in the US, takes peoples jobs away.

  4. overpopulation is the problem

  5. i dont think we'll be alive to see the end of money

  6. A lot of UK companies are now moving Call-centres out of India... as their standard of living improves they're demanding more wages and losing their competitive edge...plus customers aren't keen

  7. The self-checkout thing is hilarious, because people still queue up for a person to check out their stuff even if there are self-checkout areas available.

  8. In the long run we're all doomed.

  9. That is the very purpose of technology, to work for us while we pursue creative interests. I don't think we'll live to see it, though.

  10. Reminds me of hitchiker's guide to the galaxy. The more we try to simplify our lives with technology, the more things get complicated.

  11. i dont like all the machine shit

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  12. It would be paradise if I had a time to do things that i really love...

  13. I think money is a form of enslavement. We are too busy trying to earn it that we forget about our real goals.
